Education · Fitness · Inquiry · teaching

Passion Project: Modification

I’ve been working out and working towards my physical goal for about a week and a half now, and I noticed that I haven’t been building muscle and noticing any increase in strength at the rate I’m used to. I’ve been running every other day when it’s not pouring rain (which it has been a lot lately), and doing the upper body workout I designed on Fitness Builder on the rest of the days, resting on Wednesdays.  Admittedly my nutrition hasn’t been the best in the snack department – being that Halloween just passed by, and I typically start enjoying Halloween baking earlier than that, so it could be due in part to poor nutrition.

Candy Anyone?

“Candy Anyone?” by mandy lackey is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

I used to do a work out called the 21 day fix and I found it was a really effective 30 minute interval workout focusing on different muscle groups and workout styles on each of the 7 days of the week. Since it combines multiple muscle groups in their movements, I remember when I first discovered it I found that it toned and built my muscles faster than any other workout I had tried, while also getting my cardio in. Now that winter is creeping in and I’m finding myself less motivated to go out for a run, I’m going to modify my original plan and work through the 7 21 day fix workout routines so I can stay indoors while doing cardio and building muscle, and use my Fitness Builder upper body routine on every other day. 21 day fix has one day dedicated to upper body as well, so I’m hoping that the combination of the two styles of workouts will help me reach my goal more efficiently, and while staying dry! I’m also going to try to tighten up my nutrition and eat some more vegetables and whole foods. I haven’t been planning breakfast and lunch that well with my busy school schedule and I’ve been relying on more quick service, carb based foods. For the next week I’m going to try to get better at packing my lunch and not going straight to toast for breakfast, and I’ll monitor if it has an effect on my workouts. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Weekly push up progress: I lowered myself into push up position and collapsed almost immediately. When I tried again, I was able to lower myself down about and inch and push back up into the arms-fully extended position.

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